How to Make a <DOMAIN>.eth DeFi Domain

Web3 is the future.

Its incredibly advantageous to get ahead on the tools you will need to adopt as our society increasingly becomes cybernetic.

Ethereum Naming System (ENS) is a lookup system on the blockchain built on Ethereum. It provides a human-readable format to lookup & name resources on the blockchain. You can then engage, invest, and build with the entire DeFi ecosystem.

For example: An ETH or ERC-20 transaction could now be sent to "yeetum.eth" instead of "s0m3rand0msetofch4r4ct3r5n0b0dyund3rst4nd5".

To learn deeper about ENS, check out this DeCrypt article.

Lets get started...

Head on over to

Connect your wallet using the following options:

If you do not have any of these, click here to learn how to use and setup MetaMask.

Search the ENS name you would like to have.

Now you make sure to have your Ethereum loaded in the wallet you connected to pay the Gwei (gas) fee on Ethereum.

As you can see below I can purchase a 333 year lease on the "wowthisiscool.eth" domain.

Continue through the registration process then the last step is to setup the reverse record!

This opens a whole new world to a web3 operation. You can tie it into your E-commerce, build software, invest in other DeFi and Layer 2 solutions, secure your brand on the blockchain, and infinitely more.

“If you want something new, you have to stop doing something old”
― Peter Drucker


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